Shangchai Power for the cold test
The alpine test is one of the three high-level tests of vehicles and engines. It mainly tests the performance of the whole vehicle and the engine in the extreme cold environment, ensuring that the vehicle can normally ignite, start and drive in a low temperature environment. The test part of the alpine test is mainly divided into the following four parts:
Cold start test
The vehicle performs the first cold start test at around 6:00 ° C every day at around 06:30 in the morning, and another cold start test at around 19:00 in the evening. The starting time is within 1.65 to 4 seconds.
2. Driving performance test under cold start
When the car starts low and idle, turn the steering wheel back and forth to the end and start at low idle speed to observe whether the engine idle speed is stable and there is no flameout.
3. Calibration test of LPC alpine environment
The vehicle starts a full throttle on the test section, then loosens to idle speed, changes to the second gear full throttle, then looses to idle speed, and changes to the third gear full throttle drive... then changes to the fifth gear full throttle, loose to idle speed, Test common rail pressure, filter inlet pressure, oil pump inlet pressure, fuel injection return pressure, fuel injection amount, oil pump inlet temperature, filter inlet temperature and fuel injection return temperature at low temperature throughout the process Work conditions in the environment.
4. Vehicle quality assessment
The test vehicle needs to be tested for ten days under the ambient temperature of -20 ° C to -30 ° C. It is necessary to have no quality failure in the low temperature weather of the evil calendar, such as: outside temperature -30 ° C, engine water temperature 70-75 ° C The indoor air-conditioning heater temperature is above 15 °C. When the air conditioner is turned on, it is required to meet the human body comfort requirements. After the test vehicle has been calibrated, the start, acceleration, high and low speed driving and climbing performance must meet the requirements.
In the winter, Shangchai has been conducting a few days of high-altitude tests at the northernmost tip of China. It has a low temperature of 20 to 30 degrees and repeated test calibration. The harsh environment is not only for vehicles and engines, but also for the will of the people. And the great test of the overall quality and strength.
Staff adjust the vehicle
The staff of Shangchai not only collect relevant operational data in the cold wind during the day, but also analyze the test data collected during the day at night, and can rest assured after ensuring accuracy. This kind of life should be adhered to the end of the whole alpine test day after day. The vehicle and engine inspection requirements are required to start and drive normally at less than 20 degrees. However, when Shangchai is doing the assessment, it will pursue lower temperatures, even Extreme weather conditions of -40 ° C are also available, and the ultimate corporate standards have been far higher than national and industry standards. However, it is the requirements for high quality, responsibility to customers and rich experience, which finally guarantees the successful completion of the test. In exchange for high-quality, highly reliable products, and the market's recognition of the quality of Shangchai.
Staff collect relevant data
Being strict with yourself is responsible for the customer. It is with such beliefs and standards that Shangchai has created a high-quality, durable product. In the future, Shangchai will continue to devote its efforts to creating reliable power products that meet market demands and become a trusted high-quality power solution provider based on user needs and its own characteristics.
Reading volume: Source: on the wood market of: cold autumnPp Plastic Pellets,Pp Brand New Material,High Impact Pp Plastic,Pp Plastic